Whole wheat spaghetti with walnut and zucchini sauce

Main dishes

Whole wheat spaghetti with walnut and zucchini sauce

40 minutes

2 people


  • Spaghetti whole Wheat 7 oz
  • 10 walnuts
  • 1 zucchini
  • MIA Parmegan to grate
  • A few slices of MIA Prosciutto Style
  • Oil
  • Salt

PreparationShell the walnuts, separate the kernels and break them up with your hands. Put them in a non-stick pan and toast them over low heat by shaking the pan over the heat. When they are fragrant and lightly toasted, set aside two tablespoons, transfer the rest to the blender and chop them finely.Dilute them with a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil, add salt, season with the chilli pepper and add 3-4 spoons of the pasta cooking water. At the same time, cook the zucchini with a little oil.Drop the spaghetti in boiling salted water, drain it al dente without drying it too much. Season it immediately with the walnut and zucchini cream, add the chopped walnuts, the Carpaccio and a drizzle of olive oil. A sprinkling of Parmegan and the dish is ready.Buon appetito!